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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Konfigurasi IP Address pada RedHat

1. pertama buka terminal, ketikan

$sudo su

lalu masuukan password user anda, perintah diatas untuk masuk ke super user, apabila awalnya anda sudah login sebagai root berarti perintah ini bisa dilewat

2 untuk ubuntu file konfigurasi terdapat di /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

tambahkan dengan perintah berikut :


lalu save, script di atas bisa disesuaikan, apabila ada script yg sudah terdapat didalamnya tinggal di-edit saja.

jika kamu ingin komputer menerima dhcp (ip otomatis dari server) maka tinggal ganti kata "static" di script diatas dngan "dhcp"
lalu kosongkan hapus IPADDR, NETMASK, BROADCAST


3. restart konfigurasi degan mengetikkan

service network restart

Konfigurasi IP address Pada Ubuntu

settig ip address di Ubuntu, bisa dilakukan dengan 2 cara,


1. buka system > Preferences > Network Connections
2. setelah terbuka pilih tab "wired", pilih eth0 ( tergantung nama device, bisa jg eth1)
3. lalu edit, isi deh ipaddress, netmask, gateway dll.


1. pertama buka terminal, ketikan

$sudo su

lalu masuukan password user anda.

2 untuk ubuntu file konfigurasi terdapat di /etc/network/interfaces

nano /etc/network/interfaces

isi dengan perintah berikut :

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


jika kamu ingin komputer menerima dhcp (ip otomatis dari server) maka tinggal ganti kata "static" di script diatas dngan "dhcp"
lalu kosongkan hapus address, netmask gateway

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


3. restart konfigurasi degan mengetikkan

/etc/init.d/networking restart

saran: biar lebih gampang pahami paling tidak tentang ip address dan perintah linux agar memudahkan anda dalam konfigurasi.

maaf kalo kurang lengkap, maklum buru-buru.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Tugas Bahasa Inggris


6. live, did not engage
7. have
8. have, are affilacted
9. are call, it is
10. was
11. removed, it will be, will be born
12. must decided
13. receives, will grow
14. is, is
15. died, lives, used
16. is, would be
17. is, lived, is
18. it is essential, is not elevated
19. consider, wrote
20. has, are
21. can be devived, is usually produce
22. is, includes
23. is
24. is
25. may serve, is limited


6. has
7. have voted
8. is - simple present tense
9. contributed
10. involves
11. unresolved - simple past tense
12. used
13. know
14. was
15. is - simple present tense, insist - simple present tense, will - future tense
16. was, provided
17. is
18. located - simple past tense
19. used
20. is
21. testing
22. used
23. does
24. approved
25. are - simple present tense

Monday 8 December 2008

Personal Computer (PC)

Personal computer (PC) is the computer which to private user, before this term come, computer is expensive something, until just the big company that can use it. But not when PC discovered, and then computer can be used by every body.

PC is generic term that used by computer producen like as, IBM, Dell, Hawllet, Packard. The general, there is three term to call PC, such as : Dekstop, Leptop ( knowen with notebook) dan Palmtop. That name have a meaning. Desktop is PC that used on the desk, Leptop is PC that used on the lep, Palmtop is PC that used in hand.

Monday 24 November 2008

How To Make Optimum Windows

Usually you bewail windows process need long time, long time to start, long time to shutdown. I sugestive you to use special software that useful in order that process of windows XP be fast and optimum. That software mybe good, but usually not free and need computer that high specification. With this trick, you must not install extra software to fasted work your windows XP.

1. Use NTFS system file
If you install windows XP, use NTFS system file. NTFS system file is faster to accesss and scandisk too, don’t use FAT, except you will access harddisk in windows 98 which without extra sofware.

2. choice startup proram necessary
this part you must always check, because if there is virus/ spyware/ malware, your computer will be late. To open this startup, start→run, write msconfig, open startup tab.

In here seen all program that process when startup. You can check one by one that file, right click in that file, look at properties then look a version and who that maker. If from microsoft or reliable source so safe. If there is other proram which does not need, losted check in row which wont to non-active.

3. turn off service
Still in windows msconfig, open service tab. This is service that automatic working by windows when startup. There is some service which does not need and better off is :
• Automatic Live Update Scheduler. This service if you wont not update windows automatic, or your computer not connect to internet.
• Error Reporting Service. If ou never look window that contents “error occured ….” Then there is choice send or don’t send. That is function of this service. We usually choice don’t send, so this service better off.
• Live Update, same with Automatic Live Update Scheduler.
• Automatic Updates, same with Automatic Live Update Scheduler.
• Remote Desktop Help Manager. Used to help you if happen trouble or error in windows, you can require you friend to access your computer from long distance (Internet). if you never use it, this service better off.
• Remote Registry. To access registry (file setting windows) from long distance. better you turn off this service.
• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This is just need if your computer use UPS.
• Even Log.Windows write every log about what the happen in windows. If you never use even log, then this service better off.
• Windows Audio. May turn off if your computer without sound card.

4. Minimize visual effect
Open start menu→control panel→system properties, open advances tab, click at performance setting, in visual effect tab choice adjust for best performance. Then check at Use visual styles for windows and buttons option, in order that your windows display still like Windows XP.

5. Setting virtual memory which optimum
open Start Menu → Control Panel → System Properties. open Advanced tab. click at Performance setting. click Advanced tab. In under part, there is option of Virtual Memory, click at writing Change. Use custom size.
Minimum : 1024 MB
Maximum : 2048 MB

6. Scan and defragment regulative
Scan (one time in one week) dan defragmen (one time in one month) your harddisk with regulative. Open windows explorer, click right at your harddisk, choice Properties. Open tab tools. choice error checking to processor scan disk, and choice defragmentation to defragmented hardisk.

Monday 17 November 2008

Wireless Network

Wireless network by topologies, divisible be 2 part is:
1.Point to point
2.Point to multipoint

1.point to point
The frequency that can be used 2.5 G, 5 G, 10 G, 15 G. Wireless has to have characteristic LOS = line Of Sight. Between the both there may obstacle, but the obstacle may not into to Fresnel Zone first radius area. The way to Fresnel Zone calculation, for obstacle high and distance of two antenna can do in energy which used too must be balanced.
There must power reserve if happen rain and attenuation of atmophere. The power reserve to anticipate attenuation, that called Fading Margin. The calculation of power that need between two point with certain distance, that called Link Budget. To hardware capability, each product different each other suitable to our need. Point to point usually used to Backbone Network/trunk or high speed accsess network.

2.Point to multipoint
Frequency and calculation of power almost the same with point to point. Just point to multipoint network be able to make great network althought there is obstacle (NLOS= Not Line Of Sight). The technology which used is OFDAM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). That exploit obstacle as OFDM signal reflecter media that have many carrier (multi-carrier) until to purpose. Until signal that coming from any direction arrive in receiver side become strong mutually. If there is not abstacle between distance of antenna then the extent will be more large.
The future wireless technology is WIXMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) that enable BTS to communication to any remote/client that different brend/multivendor, with speed that highest. Purpose to construct Metropolitan Arean Network (MAN).

Sunday 9 November 2008

Architecture Of Computer

contemporary computer put ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and control unit into one integrated circuit (IC) that knowed as Central processing unit or CPU. usually, computer's memory put on some small IC near CPU. the tool that be located in a big part of room in computer is ancilliary system (exp : to prepare electric power) or I/O.

Some computer that more biger, they have some CPU and control unit that work be equal. Moreover, some computer that used to research.

The really function of computer is simple. computer understand intruction and data from memory. Intruction executed, result saved, and next intruction understanding of computer. this procedure loop while computer Off.