BIOS is abbreviation of Basic input output system, Bios able to do :
1.Initialtation and to trial to hardware.
2.To accommodate and carry out operating system.
3.To manage some basic configuration in computer (like calendar, time, storage
media configuration, booting configuration, and computer stability).
4.To help operating system and aplication to manage process of hardware with
use BIOS Runtime Service.
BIOS available low level communication interface, and BIOS able to control alot kind of hardware like a keyboard, because nearness with hardware. Usually BIOS made by assembly.
`The term of BIOS first time come on in operating system CP/M, that from part of CP/M that accommodated in time booting process begin, that face secara langsung with hardware. Majority of DOS have a file that called "" (IBM PC-DOS) or "IO.SYS (MS-DOS), which have same function like CP/M disk BIOS.
Hard disk
Hard disk is part of CPU (central Processing Unit), which have useful for to keep data in a computer.
this is the function of hard disk :
1. to storage operation system like Windows, linux.
every computer have operation system. Opertaing system will be save in Hard disk. before operating system saved, hrd disk will do format process. and next operating system like windows xp can be use.
2. to storage all kind of file like, picture, mp3.
all kind of file can storage in hard disk. At time hard disk capacity was be big. For home user, now they can to use hard disk which have size more than 300 Gb. 300 GB can
storage alot of file and document, 5,000 hours digital music, 96,000 digital picture, 300 hours music video, and 150 video game.
3. to storage all kind of program like microsoft office, game.
program in computer make them be many user in this time. before installing program, computer must have operating system, every program have the self unik and different proram, so different operating system.
The Kind of Hard Disk
1. Hard disk for dekstop
2. Hard disk for laptop
3. External hard disk
4. Hard disk for server (enterprise)
how to hard disk operating, data in hard disk saved in magnetic platter that rolling. With tranfer fluks electromagnet trought read/write head.
Music (special posting)
My kind of music that i like is rock, blues, and classic. But i like rock music more. Many band which embracing rock stream , like as dream theater, skid row, bad english, Mr.big and etc. Rock music have self the unic, with the hard music tone, rock mucic can be audience jump and wiggling.
Usually rock music to show skill of the band personal that can make audience be amazing with them. And with high voice by a vocalis can make our heart tucking more. in Indonesia rock music loved by many people until now.
Rock music have a history and history of rock music is the first in 1950 year. The rock music develoved by many people, and now root of rock music is blues music and rhythm. And now rock music develoving become metal rock ,alternatif rock, rockdut (rock dangdut), and etc.
linux is the name that gived to computer operating system. linux is example from develoving of free software and prime opensource. like as another free software and open source, linux source code could be modification,used and distribution with free by everybody.
The name of "Linux" come from kernel's name, that maked 1991 years by Linus Torvald.the system, tool of system come from GNU operating system, that publicated in 1983 years by Richard Stallman. The GNU contribution is basic of alternative name appear GNU/linux.
Linux was long knowed for useful in server, and supported by famous computer companys like as Dell, Hewlett-packard, IBM, Novell, Oracle Corporation, Red Hat, and Sun Microsystem. Linux used to operating system in various kind computer hardware, like desktop computer, supercomputer, and benam sistem like as reader electronic book, video play system (playStation 2, PlayStation 3 and handphone and router).
Informatica technique supervisor be of the opinion the Linux success caused by Linux not devent to vendor (vendor independence), operatioanal coast that low, and compability that high comparedUNIX not free vercion, with security factor and stability that high compared with another operating system like as microsoft windows.
this characteristic become proof superiority kind developing of opensource software.
Linux operating system that we know with term Linux distribution or distro linux usually already include supporter softwares like as web server, programing language, basisdata, dekstop environment (like as GNOME and KDE), and office suite like as, KOffice, Abiword, and Gnumeric.