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Sunday, 12 October 2008


linux is the name that gived to computer operating system. linux is example from develoving of free software and prime opensource. like as another free software and open source, linux source code could be modification,used and distribution with free by everybody.

The name of "Linux" come from kernel's name, that maked 1991 years by Linus Torvald.the system, tool of system come from GNU operating system, that publicated in 1983 years by Richard Stallman. The GNU contribution is basic of alternative name appear GNU/linux.

Linux was long knowed for useful in server, and supported by famous computer companys like as Dell, Hewlett-packard, IBM, Novell, Oracle Corporation, Red Hat, and Sun Microsystem. Linux used to operating system in various kind computer hardware, like desktop computer, supercomputer, and benam sistem like as reader electronic book, video play system (playStation 2, PlayStation 3 and handphone and router).
Informatica technique supervisor be of the opinion the Linux success caused by Linux not devent to vendor (vendor independence), operatioanal coast that low, and compability that high comparedUNIX not free vercion, with security factor and stability that high compared with another operating system like as microsoft windows.
this characteristic become proof superiority kind developing of opensource software.

Linux operating system that we know with term Linux distribution or distro linux usually already include supporter softwares like as web server, programing language, basisdata, dekstop environment (like as GNOME and KDE), and office suite like as, KOffice, Abiword, and Gnumeric.


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